What is living?
To understand the exact meaning of ‘living’ one should know about the following characters of living:
· Growth
· Reproduction
· Respond to Stimuli
· Metabolism
Now, we discuss these characters in details and try to understand that which one is defining property of living.
1. Growth: Growth basically means Increase in size, mass, no. of cell. But Mountains also grow but from outside whereas living thing grow from inside. So, growth is not a defining property of living organisms.
2. Respond to Stimuli or Consciousness: Respond to stimuli means awareness of surrounding on our environment. If a person is in comma does not respond to stimuli is consider living because he respond to chemicals, medicines and drugs that were given to him. So, this is the defining property of living.
3. Reproduction: The living organisms reproduce.
Exceptions: Mule which is sterile is a hybrid of donkey and horse.
Infertile Humans.
So, we can say that reproduction is not a defining property of living organisms.
4. Metabolism: Metabolism means all reactions occuring in a cell/organism.
Conclusion: From the above discussed points we can conclude that;
Respond to stimuli (Consiouness) and Metabolism is the defining property of Living while Growth and Reproduction is not the defining property of Living.