Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Chemistry Basic



Chemistry: It is the branch of science which deals with the study of chemicals, substance or matter.

Father: Antoine Lavoisier

Substance or Matter: Anything in this universe which have some weight (mass) and which can occupy some space is called Substance or Matter.

Stages of Matter:

There are four stages of Matter:-

1.      Solid

2.      Liquid

3.      Gas

4.      Plasma

We will discuss these stages in detail:

1.      Solid:

·         Molecules remain closure to each other.

·         Strong inter-molecular forces between the molecules.

·         High density.

·         Definite size and volume.

2.      Liquid:

·         Indefinite size.

·         Definite volume.

3.      Gas:

·         Indefinite volume and size.

Weak inter-molecular forces.

·         Distance between molecules are more.

4.      Plasma:

·         Discovered by William Crookes in 1879.

Gas  ionised (High temp)     Plasma.

Conversion of Stages of Matter:

Solid    Melting         Liquid

Liquid   Freezing        Solid

Liquid   Evaporation    Gas

Gas      Condensation    Liquid

Gas    Deposition      Solid

Solid  Sublimation      Gas








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